WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Wow wow wow I don’t actually believe it – I have THREE quilt finishes this WIP (Work in Progresses) report.
That has got to be a first for me!!
It all comes down to two small words really… “School Holidays…”
After a really busy full on first term including overseas trips, markets, more work work work, and a busy extra curricular routine with the family I decided to take a few weeks to work on some more personal projects for a change. It was bliss.
I have missed quilting!!

First there was the big finish of the Reverse Rainbow Starburst Quilt…

Reverse Rainbow Starburst finished

Still just as much in love with it today as I was when I finished.
It now resides almost full time in the boot of my car, where it can be whipped out at every picnic opportunity possible. I think there have been at least 5-6 picnics under its belt since it got finished.
You can read about the entire finish and see all the pics here…
See the tutorial here…

Secondly – and the one I haven’t shown you yet – was a quilt for my adorable new niece…
This one was a toughie for me because my Brother & Sister-in-law did not know what they were having.
When I found out she was a girl I was SO excited… I have 3 nephews on Neil’s side so it was very exciting to have a niece to be a girl cousin for my girls and even up the numbers.

But even though I was so excited I was having a total mind block. For some reason I had NO idea what to do for her. Then I thought maybe I could make a quilt to match the ones I made for my own girls because I just adore those and they are among my favourite quilts ever made.
So I went digging for the fabric again and I found out I already had 3 blocks made towards it – SCORE….
I’d completely forgotten that after making 12 blocks for Abbie’s I’d decided it was too big and reduced it to only 9 blocks, leaving 3 left over.

If I wasn’t already sure that I was going to make a matching quilt then that certainly made up the rest of my mind and after that it came together really quickly…

My Niece's new quilt

The only different between them is that I didn’t piece the back of this one. I just used a print I picked up on sale a while back which matched perfectly…

My Niece's new quilt

And here is the gorgeous princess with her quilt…

My gorgeous Niece with her new quilt

What a cutie! I can’t wait for a cuddle 🙂

Lastly of course there was my lounge quilt finish…

My New Lounge Quilt...

I think it’s fair to say that I can’t get enough of that quilt! It keeps finding itself dragged around the house to wherever I am.
Read the whole story & see all the pics here…

I’ve also made a bunch of scrappy pouches, some more pouches, another pouch which I still have to show you, a few other little jobs and a new block with tutorial for Jane’s Desperate Housewife Quilt Along…

Block for Desperate Housewife Quilt Along

Please excuse the wonky photo!
Stop back on the 18th May for the tutorial.

So a really productive couple of weeks! Yay for school holidays and a break from work!!

Now in theory I should be feeling really excited right now, because I’ve now finished nearly all of my long term WIPS.
I can’t stop and take a breath because thanks to my generous & talented friends on my CARE do.good stitches bee I now have about 11 Blankets of love to quilt and bind. Eeeek!
Lucky they are only small!

Once those are done I am going to have great pleasure in picking out some new projects though.
I can’t wait!

Linking up with Lee’s WIP Wednesday…

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  1. Congrats Kat! Three gorgeous quilts. I especially love the one you made your niece. So so sweet 🙂
    Thank you again for being a Care quilter. Goodness only knows how long it would take me to quilt 11 quilts (however small!). I really appreciate the extra commitment and time you’re putting in. x

  2. Talk about flat out eye candy. Im pretty sure you must sew in your sleep!

    Love them all…but that baby quilt is especially gorgeous.

  3. You have accomplished quite a bit there. They are all beautiful too. Vibrant colors I can’t pick a favorite. But you know; the love the block in the wonky pic…lol The center pops right out. Now I know why you liked my baby quilt; and thank you for that. I really liked the orange too…out of my comfort zone…it was fabric I won on here…love it..thanks again for visiting.

  4. I absolutely adore the reverse starburst quilt. Especially with the rainbow of colors. My daughter saw it and immediately asked for one of her own 🙂

  5. Wow, you really hit it out of the park with that green, gray and pink quilt. So pretty!!!

    ps. I loved the photo of you with the bike trailer!!! I have one, too, and I’d certainly never want to see a close up of me biking…EVER!

  6. Love love them all but think the rainbow star should come to London with you :). Surely if you only bought minimal clothes you can fit it in the case 😉

  7. Love being part of your stars picnic blanket! That little one is a real cutie and looks like she’s taking an interest in her quilt – the clever girl!

  8. Wow great finishes there! By now you must have been crowned the Queen of Pouches right? Love the quilt you made for you niece, she’s so adorable =D

  9. Do you ever sleep? Wow three fantastic finishes. Good to see your niece has a matching outfit for the quilt, lol. She’s so cute!

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