Da, da, da, da, daaaaaa aaaa

Bet you have it in your head now huh…
Well – only a little if I’m honest meheheh…. 😉

I just thought I’d stop by to give you the news according to Kat, because I know it’s been super quiet around here! Thank you for those who have emailed me to make sure I’m ok, and for those of you who have wondered to yourself. And sorry if I haven’t emailed you back yet.
I just want to assure you all that I am ok!

It’s not because I’m sick or anything.
I’m just super duper manically busy preparing for 2 markets, as well as super busy orders off my website.
So my blog, blog reading & most especially my email inbox have been suffering for it.

But unlike normal I have decided to look after myself this busy period.
There is only so much time in the day so while I am sewing like a crazy thing I just do not have time to sit at the computer.
Usually I would anyway – in the time I should be taking some rest!
And usually that leads to burn out.
{I’m sure you’ve witnessed a few if you’ve been around a while…}
So this time I’m playing it wise & I am trying to rest and SLEEP when I’m supposed to be instead of being on here.

It makes a change, and I can’t say it comes easily to me.
But it’s worth it because I’m feeling great at the moment, and more importantly I’m surviving in one piece!
Long may that last 🙂

So in order to not neglect my health or my kids, it might continue to be quiet around here for the next 3 weeks until my crazy 2 markets are all over.
Seriously, what was I thinking committing to 2 markets only 1 week apart during a 6 week stint of Neil being away?
Rocks for brains sometimes I tell you…

But it’s coming together. Still a lot more I’d like to do, but at least I’m at a place now where if anything happens {or I lose the will to live if I have to make any more} and I have to go to market with this much stock, then so be it.

Here’s my progress so far:

Market stock so far...

I have also been busy making ipad covers which aren’t in this picture. So far I’ve made 6 girl ones & plan to do 4-5 guy ones as well.
Hopefully another 5 quilted cushion covers.
Hopefully a dozen or so framed purses, but in all seriousness this is the one most likely to be discarded.
Maybe some more makeup pouches?
And definitely some more clothing – maybe about 10-20 or more outfits? We’ll see. I just need to do some more bigger sized and tiny baby things mostly… the rest of my sizes are pretty full enough.

So there you have it. That’s what I’m up to.

I’d put you all to sleep real fast if I gave you daily updates!
Which is why I’m not…
See how nice I am to you 🙂

I have a few other things to write about if I get time, but if not then I’ll talk to you properly again in a few weeks.

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  1. Your inventory looks a-maz-ing! I am sure you will have a huge success at market. Good for you taking care of yourself. You need to…you have two little ones who need you.

  2. You are awesome and as all this work is going to make London so much fun then you take the time you need. We can catch up big time when you are over here.

  3. Crazy lady! Now I know why you are in and out at school so fast I barely get to say hello!
    Glad you are looking after yourself and putting SLEEP as a priority over online stuff – makes such a difference, and keep your body in fighting form for all that work you are doing! xo

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