**  It is Tuesday today right?
– I’ve totally lost track of my days!!

**  All I know is that it is ONE sleep until my beloved returns. YAY!!
Nearly 6 weeks we’ve been away from each other this time. Way too long!

**  I now have 110 items to sell at market.
I’m quietly pleased with that effort considering that I had about 30 or so to begin with!
It would be nice to have more, but I’m going to consider anything I make now a bonus.
I know I’ve worked as hard as I’m willing to work!

**  Here is a preview of approx. half of my stock:

I have another rack which is not as full – that’s the sale one.
Then I have a little tray table with all the little stuff displayed in baskets.

**  Eeek I’m so pleased with how it’s all looking now! I’m finally feeling more relaxed about it & getting everything done in time.

**  Today I’ve been at home catching up on all the little niggly bits to get ready…
Status so far:
price signs made, card displays ready, bags ready, screen backed in fabric, main sign ready, custom order & website frame information ready etc… etc… (sheesh what a lot of work the first one is!)

** I’ve also just finished making my market day apron. I always stress intensely if I have my valuables placed somewhere other than on me, so this time I decided to go down the apron route. (Since we’re anticipating it being busy and all 😉 ).

**  I was totally stumped on the design of the apron though. They aren’t something I make (or wear!) a lot of. After some consideration I decided to go with a classic white & blue look. – They are my signature colours after all & then it will always go with whatever I wear.
So I recycled an old vintage lace pillowcase that I recently thrifted for the grand prize of $1. Nice! And with a bit of kona blue added for the strings I turned it into this…

you can’t really see the lace detail on the front very well in the photo, but it’s there.

**  It has two big pockets big enough for all the essentials – phone, pen, money float, notebook, etc…
I added a little silver flutter brooch for good measure & it was done.
SO fast! Or rather it would have been if I didn’t get distracted and move onto other things half a dozen times.

**  That’s my market day outfit too by the way. Had to try on the whole outfit 😉
(Actually I just had it out because I just had to fix one of the buttons back on. Very crucial button it was too!)

**  When Neil gets home he just needs to build me some supports for my screen, so it doesn’t topple over on anyone (very important that part!), and then I think I’m about done now. YAY!

**  You may also notice I’ve just given the look of my blog/facebookpage/website a small update and changed my photos around.
Just because I can.
I get bored easily!
No doubt it’ll change again soon…

**  As part of those changes, can I please draw your attention to the box on the right which says “sign up to receive my shop monthly newsletter”?
I’d love it if you could humour me and sign up.
No spam I promise! Just a short monthly update on what changes have happened/are coming up & these may also include some reader only coupons/deals *wink wink…

**  On a couple of more personal notes:

**  I finally got my smart phone back on Saturday after just over two weeks without it.
That absence was hard.
I rely on it way too much!
But it was good for me.

**  Now I can actually read blogs more efficiently again – yay!
Only thing is that my un reads have gone up to over 1000. Waaaaay too many to catch up on.
I’m not even going to try to catch up!
So I’m officially announcing that I’m going to mark them all as read and start with a clean slate.
In which case; if you particularly want me to see something you’ve released in the last month (I was already behind from my NZ holiday) then email me the link & I’ll be delighted to read.

**  I just got a really yummy parcel of fabric arrive.

**  I forgot I ordered it as well – which always makes it even more sweet to receive doesn’t it! 🙂

**  And lastly – one totally random point. – I suggest you avert your eyes and move on if you have a weak stomach!!

**  I thought Abbie was over the “putting foreign things in her mouth stage”.
Then a few days ago I was changing her nappy (diaper) and the first thing I see is a woven clothing label.
I know it was not a sign from God because it read “made in china” and I can tell you right now that Abbie was definitely not made in China! LOL…
What made it worse is that I don’t recognise it and have NO idea where she must have been when she found & consequently ate it. Yikes. Yuck! Ew!

What random things have your children ever eaten?

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  1. What a great post! I am so excited for you heading out to your market day. Wishing you the best of luck. Your full rack is so colorful and appealing I’m sure folks will be in line to have a peek!

  2. Yea! He’s coming home. So good and so needed for you and the girls. And Yea! This time for being ready for market.

    Too funny about the Made in China label. Mine didn’t swallow anything foreign that I am aware of but Helen did teeth on shoes. I gave up trying to stop her in the end.

  3. Sounds like you’re pretty much set for market. Hope it goes well.

    To the best of my knowledge Miss P never ate anything gross but I may have just missed the end result.

  4. Wow sounds like you’ve had a very busy weekend
    All those items made!! Liking the look of the pillows! The clothes look rather interesting!! =D

  5. Goodness me when did you sleep? Great stockpile and you seem fantastically well organised!

    My son ate a geomag ball, my daughter some earth and perhaps half a fly – the other half was on her lip!

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