It’s been a week of getting brave in this house…
1) I put my application in for a shop stall… Although I haven’t yet had a chance to send through all the supporting photos etc that need to be sent too. Hopefully that’s tomorrow’s job.
2) I tried hand colouring fabric. It was super fun!!
Although next time I need to use fabric specific pens.
Have you got any recommendations of good ones for me to try?
Next I turned my drawn on fabric into a cushion which took me to new thing #3…
3) Putting a zipper in a cushion. I don’t know why I hadn’t done it before but I hadn’t. Now I have x 3. It was easy peasy!
I can’t believe I didn’t take a photo or the actual zip, but here is one of the finished cushion…
That’s chevron minky on the back which has to be my favourite thing of the moment!!
I loved it so much after I bought half a metre to try that I went back and bought 5 more metres, yikes. I’m planning to make covers for my couch out of it because it is the cosiest snuggliest feel ever.
and last but not least I finally conquered my irrational fear of the…
4) Metal purse frames…
Yup I’ve had these darn things for 2 years and they’ve been sitting there unused for that long because they didn’t come with a pattern template. I did try following a tutorial (or two different ones actually) to design my own template but I was disappointed with the results both times.
But this week I decided they had been sitting there for quite long enough and I took the ball by the horns to design a new template, taking on board what I had found last time and amending it accordingly. It took me a few goes of trial and error this time as well if I’m honest but I finally go there with a finished product I was happy with and managed to churn out 9 in an afternoon.
I’ve since moved on to the bigger version and that turned out really well too.
I think I can officially say that my fear has been conquered!
Repetition and perseverance turned out to be the key for me.
I could probably consider doing a tutorial if anyone is interested?
So it has been a productive week!
I have a goal of how many things I would like to produce a day and I’ve smashed it so far this week.
Here’s hoping I can keep it up next week too. Although there is a little girl in bed next to me with a croup cough going on, so we shall have to see.
Glad you conquered that pattern in the end. I think Sharpie does fabric-specific markers btw
Yes, please, I’d love a tutorial on the metal purse frames. They turned out adorable!
Sharpie actually makes fabric pens. I did a test on them, and they don’t wash out! Here is a link to that. Good luck. Beautiful work!
Are you putting those in your online shop or saving for real life?
I coloured in an embroidery last year with wax crayons (see here – It probably won’t give as dense a colour as felt pens and I don’t know about washability (is that even a word?) but it might be worth playing around with. :o)
I also have a few of those frames sitting waiting for me to try making them … some day. :oD
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lovely purses ! & I for one am happy to hear that I am not the only one being challenged by purses. I bought a frame at Brisbane’s Quilt Show last year, knowing exactly what I wanted to do, I had saved a pic on Pinterest of a purse with mini (1/4″) hexies…..I got lots together & read lots of web instructions about how to make it but just couldn’t progress to a finish.
thanks for all the work you put into your blog, I love reading it.
Yay go you! the cushions, zips purses! you are on a roll!
gorgeous purses – would love to see a tutorial 🙂
Interesting, when I looked at the picture with the pen, I see it says “Sharpei”, but looks just like my “Sharpie” pens! lol
I’ve used Sharpies and Pigma Micron pens for making quilt labels.
I’d be interested in a tutorial for the frame purses!
I would love a tutorial for these, I particularly like the one with the gorgeous black goldfish on.