Thanks for all your lovely comments about Abbie yesterday! I’m pleased to report that she’s doing a lot better today after some antibiotics and cortisone. Still a long way to go, but we’re getting there and she no longer sounds as much like she has a bad case of emphysema!
Thank goodness for that.

Anyway today you can find me over at Charlotte’s blog featured in her Sunday Sewing Spaces feature

Lawson and Lotti

Happy weekend!
I’m off to watch pizza dough rise. It’s a bit like watching paint dry only more nerve wracking because you never know whether it’s going to work or not…

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  1. Just catching up with my blog reading and so glad to see that Abbie is on the mend! Such a horrible thing to go through as parents. Was it croup or something else? Rebekah has had croup twice and it is most definitely not fun.

    Bread-making, on the other hand, IS fun! I used to make it a lot years ago; will need to try again soon 🙂 Hope your pizza dough worked out well, you domestic goddess! xx

  2. OMG I’ve returned to ask you if I can move in to your space! I won’t steal the fabric….well not all of it 😉

    p.s buying your scrappy pouch pattern, It will be helpful as I want to properly know how to make a rounded pouch =D

  3. Glad she’s on the mend – good thing about reading posts late is I get to know she’s better before I know she is ill! Phew !

    Off to read that post now!

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