I have been feeling very “blah” recently about my appearance…
I think it stems from spending 6 weeks covered in paint and in daggy painters gear full time and then some.
But even since moving in I haven’t been making enough of an effort, and I feel it!
My clothes are starting to feel way too tight, alerting me to the fact that I have not been looking after myself and my health properly in the busy-ness, my eyebrows are often way too overdue and I can actually not remember the last time I had a hair cut!!
Not to mention that in the last year I seem to have gone from no grey hair to half a head of them!!!!

This morning I was driving into the city to pick up a new (to me) couch that I purchased for a bargain price and I decided it was time to take action…
I have so much hair that it gets very heavy and as a regular (read daily) headache sufferer I wondered how much difference cutting it short would make. It’s Spring here and starting to warm up so I figured now was the time of year to take a risk with super short hair. Then if I don’t like it it will be long again by next Winter (and my neck won’t get so cold).

I knew that if I didn’t do the big chop today then I’d chicken out, or find an excuse not to spend the money so as soon as I got home I got on the phone to a hairdresser and made an appointment for this afternoon…

This was me this morning with my looooots of hair…

But if I’m honest this is the frizzy ‘Mummy bun” that I’ve been supporting 99% of the time recently….

Yep that’s my scruffy bun that takes about 3 seconds to make each morning. Assuming I do it fresh that morning that is. Often I don’t because the more you mess with curly hair the more out of control it looks.

Anyway this afternoon I went from that look
to this look

To this look…

Yep it’s blonde and what I guess is classed as a pixie cut.
I have never been this blonde OR this short before.

It’s taking a bit of getting used to and I’m not sold on the colour yet. But the comfort and lightness of having short hair is awesome!!
I just hope that it wears ok on me and isn’t too high maintenance.
But so far it feels great to have a “style” for a change.

Do you find yourself in a rut with your look?
Next step is do something about my waistline I guess. Can’t say I’m excited about that challenge, but it needs to be done.

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  1. Its cute! I chopped mine recently, and I hardly have to do anything with it except wash it – it goes crazy, but in a really fun, cute way so mostly I just leave it. And the nice thing about a dye job with short hair is that it will grow out quickly if you don’t like it – I think its cute, though.

  2. I *love* your new cut & color. But especially the cut! Absolutely darling!

    You will LOVE the non-maintenance aspect of short hair, although, I have to caution you, unless you’re willing to “fuss” with your hair, it’ll probably never look as good at home than in that picture! Sad fact of life, most people aren’t as talented as hairdressers. 🙂

    You will be surprised at how instantaneously your comb or brush will go through your hair. Your arm is going to be expecting “more”. 🙂

    And the shampoo??? Oh geez, get used to squeezing out a SMALL dollop! That was the most difficult thing for me to get used to.

    The thing I loved most about short hair .. and I bet you will too … is that is literally a wash-n-walk hair style. And it’s gonna look great. 🙂

  3. Yay for you! Looks great and in time you will get used to the colour 🙂 there is something very liberating in chopping it all off – i should know as I’ve done the extreme chop at least 3 times! It grows back but it is always nice for a change :). Hope you enjoy the change!

  4. Yay for new looks! I was meant to go to the hairdresser tomorrow, but I got home tonight from work to a message to say my hairdresser was off sick and to call them. Hmm, no idea if they can fit me in, but they’d better be trying something!

  5. Short hair looks good on you! I did it in summer back home but do not like it even if everyone says it loos great! I feel cheeky and like a little girl with this fluttery thing on my head. So waiting it gets long enough to put my “Mum bun” back.

    need to work on the waistline as well and am so not in the mood. Hope Monday will help me!

  6. Wow! Brave lady! I chopped most of my hair off last year but am thinking about highlighting which I haven’t had done in years. By the way, I would love to have your curly hair as I have always longed for curls.

  7. It looks abfab!!! I know there’s always that adjustment time – I do remember the first time I cut mine shorter – and my hairbrush kept running out of hair! lol

    It does look wonderful. I hope you like it too. I’ll bet it still looks good even on the days you just let it curl too.


  8. We have the same hair! Well, mine is the long curly style at the moment, but as I was reading I was ticking off the things you said about yours. I had it short and blonde for many years. It was very easy to look after, except I wanted to straighten it very day and I just don’t have time. So now it’s long so I can do the messy mummy bun every day. Your hair looks great. I hope you’re loving it by now.

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