Day 1 of moving. Wrapping complete... #somuchtodostill #somuchtoclean #movinghousesucks #excitingtimesnevertheless

Well, the moving part is {nearly} officially over…
We have a very empty and sparkly clean house, and tomorrow we will hand the keys to our first real home as a family unit back over to the landord.
It has been a mammoth week…
Can’t say I’m sad to be on the other side of the hump really!!
And I ache from head to foot…

{Moving Day Survival Guide}

Moving Day essentials... It's all happening here. Cheers!
I’ve been so good recently, but this week it has been back on to sugar,
diet coke and junk food to keep me going….
This week I finally succumbed to Abbie’s virus and developed a full on head cold,

I couldn’t sleep at night for things whizzing around my head,
Then last night had a 2.30am freak out when Hannah fell out of bed onto a concrete floor at the holiday house we are staying at, giving herself a split lip and a blood nose in the process.
Poor kid!!
Thank the Lord that the damage was minor all things considered – she still has all her teeth and appears to have all her brain function intact. What a relief!

So those exceptions aside, overall the move has gone very smoothly.
We haven’t had too many major hiccups with the logistics and the main thing is that

The container is packed, and off on it’s big journey.
Stay safe please little treasures…

And the move is oh-on.... Couldn't have asked for a better day for it. #movinghouse #twominutesinthesun #timeforasitdown

I would just like to announce that I am officially going on a cleaning strike –
Yep, it’s official, no more cleaning for me for the next month.
I think I must have done my years supply in the last 3 days!
(like 6.30am starts to 10pm finishes with hardly any breaks – boo hiss).
Hence the strike begins tomorrow.
Well, ok maybe on Tuesday once we arrive in New Zealand.

So, 4 more sleeps left of living in Australia…
My brain doesn’t know whether it’s more sad or excited.
Or straight out wetting-my-pants-nervous about all that’s ahead.
Talk about mixed emotions!
I’m secretly wondering how many times I’ll cry between now and Monday…
Or thereafter even.
I’m putting my money on it being a few!

Speak to you again soon…

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  1. It’s going to be so great setting up home again. I know it’s emotionally hard right now, but keep your head and spirits up. This is an exciting time!

  2. You are nearly there – and think of all the wonderful memories you have made – no matter where “there” was!!! HUGS to you and your family – and glad the fall out of bed was not more serious!!!

  3. Wishing you and your family and your shipping crate of worldly items safe travels over the ditch to the East Island. Hope it all goes well and that there aren’t to many tears. Really I think you may be moving closer to me but the Internet has big wide arms that will send hugs to you no matter how far you go. Happy travels 🙂

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