Diary of a Flutter.Kat

Welcome to Nosey Parker in the Neighbourhood!
This Edition is all about Crafting yeah baby…

If you are unfamiliar with the Nosey Parker linky then you can read all about it here…
No formal rules other than please use the button to link back to my blog {code available here} and of course please play nicely together which I’m sure you all will… no peaking through the underwear drawers thanks LOL 😉

1)  What are your preferred crafts? Do you have one primary one that you do most of or do you dabble around in many different crafts?
I have had a long list of different crafts in the past. Art was always my favourite subject at school, so in my teenage years I went through the painting & drawing phase (school), the making jewellry and collecting beads phase (early years in marriage), the scrapbooking phase (shortly after moving to Aussie 3 years ago) and the Sewing & Quilting phase (that would be now).
I still have supplies for nearly every media I’ve ever done, and still dabble in different artforms, but predominately I love to sew most so that is what I do most of these days.
I still have my art & photography portfolios from high school, but I’m too embarrassed to show them to you sorry LOL…

2)  What avenues inspire you most in your sewing/crafting that we might like to check out?
e.g. what are your favourite books or websites or shops to visit etc… that we *must* know about 😉

inspiration just because
Some things that inspire me at the moment…
click on the photo for the photo credit info.

In the past I have been most inspired by school and teachers & other people. But these days I am pretty limited to books, magazines and the internet. The internet being the biggest factor there.
I’d love to go to more classes and even one day when my children are older I’m looking forward to being able to do a degree in some kind of design or textile related field. But until then I’m really very limited in stuff I can do from home. 
Yay for the internet hey! It’s always there come rain or shine, come kids being sick or in the middle of the night.
I get most inspiration from blogs, {when I get time to read blogs that is}, followed by Flickr, Pinterest and an Australian Modern Quilting Facebook Group I’m part of (if you are in Australia and want to join then email me for an invite I’m sure we’d love to have you 🙂 ).
I’m also very blessed to have a very inspiration bunch of local friends who are into crafting and sewing in lots of different mediums. If only we could meet more often. Same old usual story of time & accessibility with young kids being a factor.

3) Are you a one project at a time person or do you have “craft ADD” – OR are you somehow like me and have a combination of both?
Well… I am a curious combination in that I have craft ADD in terms of I can’t make the same thing over and over. BUT I tend to be a finisher. I tend to like to work on one project through to completion. It stressed me out to have too many WIPs. Right now I have about 5-6 big WIPS on top of all my ongoing bee & work stuff and quite frankly that is my limit. I can’t cope with having too many more than that.
Most of those are waiting on bits from other people for me to continue as well…
Current WIPs are:
**  My wonky house quilt (yeah so that’s all on me)
**  My lounge quilt – waiting on 2 more bee blocks
**  A few donated Blankets of Love – these will all be finished together in April. It’s just easier to do them as a production line.
**  My Rainbow picnic blanket – well it’s only my month this month so I still have all the blocks to receive. Oh la la they are looking SO cool from what I’ve seen on Flickr. This is quickly becomming another favourite
**  Quilt for Abbie. That’s a long long story. I won’t bore you with the details today…

4)  What is/has been your longest ever Work in Progress (WIP)?
Hmmm…. I’m thinking that probably my wonky houses quilt which were made for me in my bee month November 2010. I was originally aiming to have those done by Christmas 2011 but I gave that idea away in favour of finishing the girls quilts.
Playing with layouts finally...I’m not sure if they can even be counted as a WIP anymore because I haven’t put them back in my schedule. Hmmm maybe Christmas 2012 might be realistic.
But I will finish them. I will, I promise! 
It’s not that I don’t love them, it’s just that they are well… tricky… and I have come to a bit of an impasse. I know as soon as I get past that then it’ll all come together very quickly. 🙂

5 ) What are some of your crafty projects that you’ve made recently (or not so recently is ok to) that you’d love us to see?
Tough one for me since I’m the host and I feel like I bombard you with photos of all my projects. 
A crafty project which I have made regularly in the past & always love making (and which you probably haven’t seen before) is this…

Family pics

I used to really love making my own scrapbook photo albums. This one was one of my particular favourites which I made for a friend for Christmas a few years ago.
I could probably do a tutorial on these at some stage if anyone is interested. They are so easy & effective & only cost a few dollars to do.

6) Do you have a piece of fabric or craft item of any sort with a story behind it that you’d like to share? 
Hmmmm…. not a fabric that I can think of. I probably haven’t been sewing for long enough to have developed that kind of thing.
I do have a make that has a bit of a story and I don’t know if I ever actually told you what happened about it…
I made this gorgeous pouch here last year for my pretty little pouch swap partner…

my fav case

It was a big hit in the group, and is still today one of my most “favourited” ever makes on Flickr.
Which probably explains why I grew quite attached to it. Yes – very very attached I grew, and I just could not bring myself to give it up. That’s the first & last time that’s ever happened to me before (although I have been known to mail things within a couple of hours of finishing them just so the same thing won’t happen. Just ask Fiona… ;))
So I ended up going back to re stalk my partner and made her another pouch which luckily she liked better (phew!), and now the rainbow pouch lives with me and is the home to all my scissors & rotary cutters. 
How selfish. 😉

And that’s my story. How bout you?

Look forward to reading your links 🙂
You have an entire month to link up, so don’t panic if you haven’t pre-prepared…

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