I have succumbed... I present to you my very first iPhone

For years I have rebelled against the Apple stampede…
While the vast majority of my family and friends have been using iphone etc
I’ve been using Android & Windows technology and for the most part been really happy with them.
My reason was that I did not want to conform to Apple “just because everyone else was”,
because as far as I could see there are lots of disadvantages to it.
But alas I can no longer call myself an “Apple rebel” any longer,
for I have finally succumbed…

Last year while Abbie was sick (and for an early birthday present) I purchased myself an Ipad.
I hummed and harred for months and months about what type to get and eventually settled on an Ipad over an Android based one.
Solely because I was sick of missing out on all the cool apps by being an android user!
So I thought I’d give the Ipad a try and see what all the fuss was about.
Then literally about an hour after I got home I discovered that it was not compatible with a few of the learning websites I use for Hannah because they are flash based websites.
That was one of the main reasons I was interested in a tablet in the first place
So boy was I peeeeeeeeved to find that out!!!
I ranted, I seethed and I regretted big time not buying an Android based tablet!!!
… In other words my Ipad and I had a very rocky start to our relationship!
(Yes, that sounds ridiculous to me because it’s such a first world problem, but that’s still how I felt).

Anyway cue 6 months later and my Ipad & I have regained equilibrium in our relationship.
I love having a tablet.
And my Ipad is never far from my side…
In fact, it’s probably to blame for much of my blogging slow down over the past 6 months, because I don’t use my laptop nearly as often!
It’s definitely to blame for the fact I haven’t used my SLR camera as much as I should have been recently – because it’s so convenient to take & share photos from…
But none the less I really enjoy having it and I’ve been reading more books than I have in years.

Despite the fact we have become besties though, I’ve continued to fester a few little niggles about it.
Mostly it’s inability to be compatible with my phone & laptop.
Which means no music, calendar or app sharing.

So today, many years after what seems like the entire planet, I have just got my very first iphone…
Do I think that Apple is the better technology for the money?
Don’t get me started!
But I have succumbed none the less…

Here’s hoping this will streamline my processes a little more!
It better or I can see rude words in my future…
And we don’t want that now do we 😉

Any other “Apple rebels” out there, or am I all alone on this wee island of mine?

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  1. Well, if they don’t do something to make Windows 8 more user friendly AND compatible with any Canon printer on the planet AND fix it so my local ISP will support it, I may have to go Apple next time. Windows 8 bites the big one and I’m still using my old laptop for my email 🙁

  2. I just caved in Dec as well! My Ipad was the start of a slippery slope. I love, love, love my Ipad and would not give it up for anything. I have to say I have grown to feel the same way about my Iphone. You will too 🙂

  3. Oh how I love my iPad. Hubby gave it to me for an anniversary present this year and I don’t think it’s left my side since. Love, love, love, love, love!
    I am anti-apple, because I have a friend who works for them and is constantly spruiking their products, but my iPad just makes me too happy. Now I want the phone to match 🙂

  4. I am an Apple rebel simply because everyone else loves them and I refuse to follow the crowd. lol. I have an older generation iPod but that’s it. I barely use it because I can’t stand using iTunes. Everything else is either Windows (my computer) or Android (my phone) or HP (my tablet – though that will be getting replaced eventually with either Windows or Android).

    It’s funny that one of your other commenters was complaining about Windows 8. I LOVE it. I have a Canon printer and it works great, no problems with the upgrade. I guess everyone’s experience will be different!

  5. We’ve had Apple computers since the Apple2 way back when. We’ve never had any other kind of computers – and never will. We all have iPhones – Douglas has the 5 and his old ones get handed down to the rest of us. We’ve also all got iPads. What can I say other than Macs & Apples rule!

  6. Congratulations! You’l love it, I’m sure!
    We have an Apple Mac, Mac Book Pro, iPad, both hubby and I have iPhones and the kids all have iPod touches (which they saved for and bought themselves)! We are an Apple family and we have no complaints whatsoever! In fact, it’s made having my home based and very mobile business so easy to manage across all my devices. And it’s faster, and Apple products dont get viruses which makes me feel safe in the www world plus it works out cheaper in the long run (no anti virus software, etc)!

  7. I have only used a PC at work (and I am tech support there)and sorry peeps, but Windows sucks!
    My first computer was an original iMac, hubby bought a 2nd gen, and is now on his 3rd; I have had an iBook and now MacBook Pro, iPad and iPhone and from my year and a half on an HTC android excuse of a phone, I can honestly say I have used my iPhone more in 6 weeks than I did that in the 18 months.

    I only object to Apple pricing, especially now it doesn’t deter the riff raff! xxx

  8. I’m the total opposite to Hadley, I work in IT and I would NEVER buy an Apple – why? Because working in development/testing, I know that we never, ever test things for Apple, so if it works it’s more by good luck than good management (did I mention I work for one of the major banks, not a piddly little company?!) Plus so many things are incompatible, and they’re actually behind now technology wise, so I’ll happily stay in my PC/Android world ;o)

  9. Hee hee! I giggled when I read this post! This is so meeeee! I got a kindle last year, it never left my side. I pushed for a kindle vs iPad b/c of cost diff. And I just wasn’t sure what all the hype was about. This year I got an iPad for Christmas and there is no comparison! I love my iPad, and well for several months I have been back and forth on whether to upgrade my dinosaur phone to an iPhone! Hee hee!

  10. hahahahahah! I’m so happy to read your post! We’ve relocated from the states to Europe over the past week and tomorrow my Iphone should (better) be here! I’ve been loyal to Android phones despite my ipod and ipad. We can learn together!

  11. Wow! I felt like I was reading my own life story! I got the iPad first. It was really a toss-up because I was lucky and via work was able to test the Galaxy tablet for about 6 months. Don’t get me wrong…I liked it, but I liked the size and reputation of the iPad and have not regretted my purchase! In fact, some was not perfect about it several months in and they replaced it without question! I ended up moving to iPhone too. I was going to get a MacBook Pro this year and decided I need to wait because they are a little out of my budget…but one day I see myself as a full Apple convert!!

  12. Hi Kat,
    I have rebelled against Apple for a long time but soooo wanted a tablet, I researched & researched, reading reviews & asking friends & family…….finally succumbing to buy an iPad 4 in Dec…..and broke the screen within the first couple of weeks….not a good start, cost me over $200 to get it replaced & due to my location, there was no local repairer.

    I too nearly cried when I discovered that Flash Player wasn’t compatible – so I couldn’t use my iPad for the main reason I wanted…….so although I am still using my iPad, I am not an Apple fan by any means!!!

  13. Hi Kat,
    I have rebelled against Apple for a long time but soooo wanted a tablet, I researched & researched, reading reviews & asking friends & family…….finally succumbing to buy an iPad 4 in Dec…..and broke the screen within the first couple of weeks….not a good start, cost me over $200 to get it replaced & due to my location, there was no local repairer.

    I too nearly cried when I discovered that Flash Player wasn’t compatible – so I couldn’t use my iPad for the main reason I wanted…….so although I am still using my iPad, I am not an Apple fan by any means!!!

  14. Well I resisted for years too and only had a basic cell phone but last summer I finally upgraded and am glad I did. It was much easier to go with what hubs already had so we can share the apps. You’ll learn to love it. Promise.

  15. I’m half a rebel, like you. I haven’t got an iphone, mainly because I can’t one for a reasonable price with the phone company I’m with. I have an android smart phone and that is fine for what I need.
    I am a teacher and our school bought a class set of ipads last year and gave the staff one each to familiarise ourselves with them first over the past 10 weeks. I loved it! I had to give it back today and it’s a bit sad. I will probably buy one for myself. There’s no particular app I like, just the ease and speed of use. No waiting to boot up etc.

  16. I’m not an apple lover, but I do love my ipad :). Did you know you can get flash-compatible browsers for the ipad? I use Puffin and it works really well. I also use google calendar and gmail on my pc, which syncs with the iPhone and ipad.

  17. Hi Kat! I’m an Apple rebel myself, and I’ve yet to join the dark side. I’m still loyal to androids, even more so now that they’re pretty on par with advancements in technology and design. And as you mentioned, compatibility is also an issue. I don’t want to install an older Windows OS just so I could install iTunes for an Apple product to sync. I’m happy that you’ve got a good relationship with your iPad and iPhone though.


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