A little over a year ago, after over 6 years off work to focus on having a family, I formally returned to the workforce, as a Virtual Assistant.
Why formally?
Well, I hadn’t really ever left the workforce – fitting in my own business and contract work, around having babies. But this time I was working for someone else, and had set office hours. It was a bit of an adjustment, for the entire family! But one that I enjoyed.

One year down the track, I am still a Virtual Assistant, and I love it. So I thought I should tell you about it really. Because when I say I’m a Virtual Assistant, most people squint their eyes, tilt their head, and look at me funny, as if to ask, “a what now?!” It’s a bit of a foreign concept to many, but is growing increasingly common these days with the way the world is heading… and I think it’s pretty neat.
So, what is a Virtual Assistant?


Well, in short, a Virtual Assistant is whatever a Business Owner wants it to be…
Have you ever had a part of your job (or life) that you just never seem to get the time to do? Or you do do it, but it takes up way too much of the time that you should really be spending doing other things? More productive things… Like earning money things!
Well, that’s where we come in. We take people’s to-do lists off them, wave our magic fairy wands, and get “that stuff” done.
It’s mostly all done “virtually”, via the phone, skype, internet and email.

“That stuff” is a loose term, and it literally means anything from setting up a new company, branding it, setting up an accounting system, establishing a marketing programme and fielding the onset of client enquiries. Or managing an inbox, calendar, and travel plans for an executive. Or answering the phones and taking client bookings. Or designing and sending an e-newsletter campaign to someone’s database. Or setting up a database in the first place! Or putting together really long documents. Or booking and designing marketing material. Or designing websites.
You get the idea. We literally do anything.

We have tradespeople clients, high flying executive clients, business coach clients, long standing family owned business clients. Big business clients, small business clients, medium business clients.

When I started a year ago, there were 5 in our team. 12 months later there are 12 on our staff, and we are currently recruiting for 2 more. I imagine as soon as those 2 start, we will start advertising for the next 2; that’s just how we roll. Within our team we have experienced Executive Assistants, Project Coordinators, Accounting Specialists, Design and Marketing Specialists, and Event Coordinators. We are a one-stop shop for anything.

Up until now, I have struggled to find my ideal job. I tend to get bored easily, and start to daydream of the next challenge.
As a Virtual Assistant there is no time for getting bored! I never know what each day will bring, and no day is even remotely the same.
It requires 10 juggling arms, 5 different heads for 5 different hats, a student philosophy (to learn every new app and programme going!), and one big sense of humour.
Optimists need only apply!
But I thrive on the challenge, (which I guess is pretty obvious, since I’m writing about work during my home time).
And I am lucky to have the sweetest group of clients ever, who I adore!

So there you go; just in case you wondered, that’s what I do for my day job…

You can find me here if you would like to connect with me on LinkedIn.

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  1. Wow, that sounds really interesting! I’m newly retired as an Administrative Assistant from Yukon College. I wouldn’t mind picking up some part-time work, but have no desire to go back into the office environment. Maybe I’ll look into this virtual assistant field.

  2. That does sound like a great job Kat! It’s nice to be able to do so many different things to keep your mind busy. 🙂

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