It took me a long time to be able to say this…

I LOVE scraps!!

Yesterday I needed a day sewing something creative and fun, but simple.
I also needed to get a few more things off my very long and ever growing to-do list!
I decided that the job I was going to tackle was making 4 small handmade items for the sample swap I’m part of for the Fat Quarterly Retreat in London.
After a LOT of indecision out came the scraps and the zips and I whipped together a few scrappy zipper pouches…

4 scrappy pouches...

Ok who am I kidding, there was no “whipping”
Because these babies sure are time consuming!
But they are mindless and fun, a perfect holiday activity so I didn’t mind one bit!

The sample swap is basically a swap between 5 (yet to be determined) people in a group. We each make four small handmade items, one for each of the other members in our group. Which means we each then come home with four handmade gifts. Nice!
There really aren’t many limitations on what we are able to make, but the only catch is that we won’t know who is in our group until we get to the retreat.

So I needed something small (to fit into the suitcase), I wanted something useful, and I needed something that could suit pretty much anyone.
Hopefully these scrappy pouches tick all of those boxes?!

Here they are in more detail…

Sample 1
Purple zipper with red lining…
Sample 2
Pink zipper & teal lining…

Sample 3
Teal lining & turquoise zip…
Sample 4
My personal favourite one – red zipper & red lining…

They are each lined & of course house my Flutter from.Kat label…

Inside with label

Finishing up at about 9.5 x 4.5 inches they are the perfect size to house a rotary cutter, pair of fabric scissors & travel sewing kit OR endless amounts of other items.
I love them!

For a girl who used to work best with only 1-2 different colours when I first started crafting, I think it’s fair to say that I’ve changed a LOT!!
Scraps are by far my favourite thing to sew these days.
It’s almost become an addiction! (In fact you can probably tell by these pouches that I throw almost nothing away when it comes to pretty fabrics!)

Hopefully my sample group will be just as fond of these as I am…
(otherwise they might come home again with me instead 😉 haha)

Do you keep your scraps?

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  1. They are fantastic, I think we’re all going to have a squabble about groups! There are so many gorgeous things popping up in the flickr group – I have yet to apply myself to a swap item!

  2. Hi Kat! Looks great! How wonderful pouches some scraps can make! I save every tiny scrap. You are so good sewing those zippers so perfectly! x Teje

  3. Yes I save my scraps…I love scraps. Your purses are so pretty!Maybe I’ll do one this weekend since I promised I’d have another go at zips (on my own without a private tutor -it could get ugly)

    And Im sure who ever ends up with these bits of fabulousness is going to be completely thrilled.

  4. Lol, why do we always convince ourselves that things are going to be quicker than they actually are?! They look great though, and that reminds me, I need to put labels in my swap items – doh!

  5. Damn, I guess that means no more scraps for me? Joking. I love what you have down with these pouches, I know they will be well received 🙂

  6. Sometimes I save my scraps, sometimes I give them away – just depends on the day. ;^)

    The pouches are so cute! Whoever is in your swapping group will be thrilled with one of those!!!

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