Most of my adult life I’ve been overweight.
Who am I kidding – if I’m being really honest I’ll admit that my entire adult life I’ve been classed as overweight (to varying degrees).
Since I had Abbie I’ve struggled to lose that post baby fat, and have not yet been successful at getting down to my pre-Abbie weight. She’s turning 6 this year, so that’s not cool.

Earlier in the year, 2 friends and I decided to do something about it. We started a “fatty fat camp”. How it has worked is that we each paid in $30 at the beginning and took a starting weight and measurements. Then we’ve got together and weighed ourselves once a week. If we put on weight from our previous week we’ve had to pay in $5. Then, at the end of 12 weeks, whoever has lost the highest average of body fat and centimetres gets to win the pot of money.

So far, while I’m not winning, I’ve lost just shy of 7 kgs (15 lbs) and I’m the only person who hasn’t had to pay a penalty fine. I’ve also lost over a dress size and most importantly I’m dramatically fitter than I was at the start of the summer. I am feeling really proud that I’ve been losing weight slowly and consistently each week. And I’m sure that I’ve been lighter than this before but not as slim – so I’m sure I’m the fittest I’ve ever been as an adult.


We only have 2 more weeks to go. I’m only halfway (at best) to my goal weight (or a third, depending on which goal I decide to settle on), and I do not want to lose the momentum or stop – which I know I will without the accountability of the weekly weigh ins.

So, that got me thinking… who else might want to have accountability to get their fitness up and their weight down?

I have decided to run another 12 week program. However, I do want to make a few changes from the first. These are the terms:

Heathcamp round 1 2016-01

  •  It will be called a health camp, rather than fat camp – and the emphasis will be on increasing fitness and strength, rather than just on losing weight
  • It will go for 12 weeks – starting 1 April 2016 and finishing 17 June 2016
  • It will be run virtually, so that anyone in the world can join
  • It will be free to join, but people have to commit to the full 12 weeks
  • It will be run via a closed Facebook group – so you will need to be on Facebook and be prepared to be an active and encouraging member of the group
  • Each Friday we will weigh in (so you will need scales) – and obviously, since it will be run virtually, it will require honesty
  • It will be run on a points based system – if you achieve your personal goals that week you will be awarded points – you can choose at the beginning of the program whether your goal is losing weight, maintaining weight, or increasing your % of muscle (you will have to have scales that measure muscle % in order to do that goal)
  • Each week people will have to log at least 3 lots of exercise – if you achieve this you will be awarded points
  • Each week there will be a goal that people can opt to achieve – for example: do an exercise for longer than you have ever been able to do in the past. Or, go 1 day this week without any sugar – if you achieve the weekly goal you will be awarded points. (I will be setting the goals at the beginning of the program, and I encourage and welcome your suggestions)
  • If you go backwards in your personal goal (e.g. put on any weight if your goal is to lose weight or put on over 500 grams if your goal is to maintain your weight) in any week you will have to pay a $5 NZD penalty and will lose 1 point.
  • I will be tracking everyone’s goals and progress on a google sheet that everyone will have viewing access to
  • There will be bonus points awarded at the end if you’ve achieved your goals every week, opted in and achieved the challenge every week, and achieved the exercise target every week.

At the end of 12 weeks, there will be a winner (or winners in the case of a draw) awarded – the person(s) with the most amount of points. There won’t be a cash prize, but I’ll find a way to reward the winner(s) personally.

At the end of the 12 weeks, the penalty money will be lumped together and donated to the cancer society. I don’t want it to go to the winner, because I want this to be more of an accountability program than a competition.

So… that is what I’m thinking. Who would like to join me in working towards achieving their goals?

Any questions? Ask away 🙂

To sign up for the program, click here and request to join the Facebook group. Over the next week I’ll create a sign up form which everyone will need to fill out prior to the 1st April (with their goals etc) that will help me set up the google sheet, and I will post the link to that in the Facebook group.

*Disclaimer: please note that entry into the group and challenges is at your own risk. Flutterkat does not accept any responsibility while participating in the group. If you have any medical conditions, or are not in good fitness, please seek medical advice prior to participating.

Blog ending

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  1. Sounds like something I’d like to do, I might be able to get my Mum &/or my daughter to as well. One question that came to mind first was how do the ‘fines’ get paid….I shouldn’t be focussing on a negative but wondering if you would be setting up a paypal acct for this or some other method……hopefully I will not need to use it but after several uncomfortable procedures this week in hospital, weight loss if in my focus right now…..& to have friends in on the task for support is a blessing.

  2. Congratulations! It is a huge achievment to get fit and have a healthy livestyle no matter if you love weight or not. It is a lot to be able to keep up with the kids and have run with them and not be the steam train coughing at the end. Very well done!
    Sadly I avoid facebook so I can not join but I wish you a lot of fun and achieving your goal! Keep going

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