When I first listed my first two patterns in my shop, I originally listed them on sale for the holiday period and for an introductory sale price of $5.
Since the holiday period is over, and well… it’s been over a month now, I thought I better remember to take them off sale this week. Otherwise it’s not really a sale ya know 😉
So I just thought I’d let you know to give you a last opportunity to purchase them at the $5 price.
They’re only going up to the retail price of $6, so it’s not like the increase will be steep, but I just thought you might like to know anyway 🙂
I will be adjusting the price on Wednesday so make sure you purchase before then if you’d like to get the sale price 🙂
And now for the exciting news –
I have 2 new patterns under development which I am aiming to release soon!! Yay 🙂
The first one is the pattern for the scrappy, quilted cushion covers I’ve been making a lot of recently…
These are such a fun, easy and effective item to make. The pattern will be suitable for a complete beginner or even people with a bit of experience who are looking for a quick, fun quilted project. I’ve made a huge different variety of them and they cheerily spruce up any space.
The cushion cover is finished in an envelope style so that it is easily removable for washing…
The next pattern I have in the pipelines is for a twirly skirt finished 3 ways…
The pattern will be for sizes 6 months through to 8 years and will include instructions & measurements for 3 different finishes…
A plain band at the bottom, ruffle bands at the bottom & a lace band at the bottom.
So… here’s the thing…
I’d love some pattern testers!!
Would anybody like to try out the patterns for me and give me some honest feedback? Please comment at the bottom if you would like to apply.
Great proof readers are also welcome to apply (**ahem cough e.g. Juliet & Katy 😉 ).
Huge experience in sewing is not necessary. If fact it would be advantageous to have some beginners apply. However, there are a few other important criteria that you must be able to meet;
You must be able to complete the projects in a 2 week turn around time frame. The cushion pattern is about ready but the skirt pattern will not be ready until March) . Please do not apply if that time scale does not work for you.
You must also be willing to provide photos of your projects and be ok with me using them for promotional purposes.
If you are wishing to try out the skirt patterns then you must have a daughter within that size range to sew for and be willing to have photos of her in her new outfit posted to my blog for publicity.
(edited to add; just her lower half showing the skirt is ok. The photo doesn’t need to show her face…).
In return you will receive a free pattern (or two) and I will be forever grateful 🙂
** Please note that places are extremely limited so please don’t be offended if you are not picked this time – there is always next time 🙂
*** Edited to add – thanks everyone for their offers, I have enough pattern testers now for this time.
Many thanks!!
Hi Kat, I would love to be a pattern tester for either or both :o) I also have a darling little 2y.o. (she is 3 next month)I have very little experience with sewing clothing, made my first dress for her as my Monthly make for January …it’s on my blog if you want to see (early january). hugs, Sharon
I am a fantastic proof reader. I may give you more feedback than you want… I would love to be a pattern tester for the skirt. My granddaughter is 7 but she is tiny – probably wearing a size 6 to 7 now. And in March I should have time to get it done in two weeks. I am far across the ocean in Canada though so it may not work unless you can send patterns electronically.
Yup, I’d love to help out. Either pattern, although I have to say that any photos of my daughter which end up on blogland don’t show her face.
Too darn busy right now but it looks like you’ll have plenty of takers to test for you. Looks like the shop is going great!
I am feeling overcommited at the moment – please bare me in mind for next time – the patterns look great xxx
I would say I’m still a beginner – two weeks for a project, I should be able to manage that. I’m only open for the cushions, as I currently don’t know little ones – well my sitsers will always be “the little ones” but they have outgrown that state some years ago.
So if you want to have fool proof patterns – if I manage to make sense out of them, then they are.
Hi Kat, I have a 2 yr old daughter in need of new clothes so I’d be happy to test the skirt pattern for you. Also have VERY little experience of sewing clothes (I made one very simple skirt for myself!!)
i have a tiny who loves new clothes. shes 4 (so i would do the 4-5 age group, if thats ok with you). More than happy for you to use pics of her as long as i can pop a couple on my blog too (obviously bigging up your pattern and directing people to your shop). just yell loudly.
cheers x
Sorry if this is a duplicate comment, not sure what happened when I submitted it. I need to make cushions for our house at the moment so would be more than happy to pattern test for you. I also have daughters age 4 and 7 who would be delighted to have new skirts made by mummy! I’ve pattern tested before for Lily Bird Studios (Birthday dress) and Little Big Girl Studio (convertible clutch) if that helps. Thanks
Hey, I love that Hadders is volunteering to get naked for you next time ;o)
I love those cushions (what is that fabric on the black and red one with the cartoons on it BTW?) Alas I’m a little maxed out on other projects, including a couple of pattern testing assignments, but it looks like you’ve got plenty of volunteers :o)
Hi Kat,
I’m happy to test either/both. 🙂
I’ve been following your blog for a little while now and I would love an opportunity to test out one of your patterns. My son is starting school this week so I’ve got extra time on my hands and need something to keep my mind off missing him. Don’t have a daughter but plenty of little girls I could borrow and their mom wouldn’t mind a new cute skirt 🙂
I’d love to try out your skirt pattern – you know my girls 😉 Oh, and I am also a good proof-reader… Just let me know if you need my help! xx
How exciting! I’m not your girl, but I can’t wait to see what the lucky testers come up with 🙂
I’d love to try out the cushion for you, but if you have enough takers already then just keep me in mind for next time (as a side note, I just write time.I and my phone autocompleted to run d-m-c, how cool is that).
I don’t have any kids so any patterns for children I wouldn’t be able to help with.
Kat, I love to proof read/edit, so if you want someone else to weigh in on that, just let me know. Loving your blog – and I especially love your tab about your faith.
That skirt is so cute! I want to make one in my size. 😉 I hope your pattern testing works out well!