We had another round of celebrations today, because somebody in our household has a birthday today.
The number starts with a 5, so that should be a good clue that it’s not a regular member of the Flutter clan. Perhaps somebody visiting from places afar?

Racking our brains last night for an activity we could do together as a family which involved air conditioning (because we are far too sensible  chicken to try somewhere like the zoo in this heat!) and which the children would still enjoy, we settled on going to AQWA for the day (The Aquarium of Western Australia). I have taken the children there once before, but Abbie was just a baby, so it was lovely to take them now they are a bit older. I highly recommend it as a place to visit…

First we went down into “the tunnel” – A journey under 3 Million Litres of Indian Ocean to explore “shipwreck coast”…

Littlest Flutter was not so sure about the tunnel at first… She didn’t say anything or complain, but I could tell by the fact that she buried her head in shoulder.
Who could blame here with creatures like this swimming so close to us though…

I mean look at the teeth on that thing!


But littlest soon came around and was pointing and ooohing and aaahing along with the rest of us at all the wonderful creatures…

Then we came upstairs and had a look at the rest of the exhibits…

We got to make a badge each…

Yes that would be my little fashionista dressed in a scarf and a wrap in 40 degree heat. No it wasn’t my doing… *Sigh…

Just in case we needed reminding how dangerous it can be to swim in the sea, there was a special “danger” section complete with sea snakes, stone fish and all kinds of other things…

Apparently these guys are not so good to eat…

Then we got to the kids favourite part… there was no doubting Abbie was having a great time by the time we got to the outside tanks and the kids got to splash in the water & touch a starfish…

Not sure Hannah’s smile is sincere though. Are you? LOL…

Then it was time for lunch so we skipped around the corner to a seafood restaurant at Hilary’s boat harbour…
I highly recommend this as a stop on your visit if you’re ever in Perth!…

Sadly we forgot to take our swimmers. What were we thinking?!

The others have just got back from the beach (I was a bit too lazy to leave the air con this evening, even if it did mean a swim) so I better go help get dinner.

Hope you are all having a lovely weekend too!

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  1. Hi, I am just popping over from N Ireland to say hi. I found out about your blog from Fairyface Designs. I am delighted to have found your blog (I am now a follower) and I will be popping back again soon. My family and I holidayed in Perth about 10 years ago and stayed in Rockingham and seeing the aquarium at Hilary’s brought back some wonderful memories.
    Stephanie xx

  2. I love seahorses. They’re so graceful and cute .

    It looks like the kids had a great day (although Hannah looks a bit dubious about sticking her hand in that pool- and who wouldn’t after seeing a shark with HUGE teeth!)

    Hope your MIL had a wonderful birthday!

  3. There was a birthday at our house yesterday too. And Friday. We are all birthdayed out now though. The aquarium looks like a good choice for such a hot day! Lovely photos of your girls in the tunnel!

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