A block-o-hol-ic!!…


Wow it’s been more quiet around here than usual hasn’t it?!
Everything is fine I assure you.
I know that in past times my quiet has been a code for “not ok”. But not this time.
I promise.
There are two {main} reasons for my quiet…

1} The last week has seen Perth really feeling the cold.
Yes actual cold my sceptical friends (you know who you are)
– you cannot tell me that 2 degree nights are not cold!!
So I have been far too cold to care to sew.
{Which means I have nothing to show or write about}.

It is snuggling up on the couch with crochet & hot chocolate weather instead 🙂
Mmmmm….. yum.

2} I have become a total block-o-hol-ic.
What is that I hear you ask?
Well… “The Block” is an Aussie reality tv show where 4 teams had 10 weeks to renovate 4 inner city Melbourne terraced houses.
Renovating, design, creativity, competition, turning trashed houses into modern dream homes, mixed with good old reality tv drama. 
What’s not to love?

Trouble is that it is on 6 nights a week just after I put the girls to bed. 
– Perfect time to grab a cuppa (yes the cold has forced me to actually drink hot drinks!) and snuggle in bed watching this good new-fashioned reality tv.
Only trouble is that once I’m in that cozy little snuggle place, there ain’t no moving me!!!

I have to say that it isn’t very productive!
Last year it was Masterchef. This year it is the block.

But thankfully {or not} the block-o-fun is coming to an end soon.
Last night was the final reveal and the houses had to be 100% finished. 
Now at some point soon they will auction them off and declare the winner & all my “live life vicariously through the tv reno fun” will be over.

So there you have it, there’s my real reason for being so unproductive lately.
I’ve become *gasp* a TV watcher.
Way to sap the productivity!

But to be perfectly honest I couldn’t care less!!! It’s just a season {winter to be precise} and I’m sure to grow tired of sitting on my butt soon enough. In which case I’ll get my creative hat back on and start churning out fun stuff once more.

Are you a TV watcher?
What TV programmes do you find yourself getting hooked into?

PS I’m in the Dale & Sophie support camp – just so you know 😉

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  1. Oh dear,I was on the phone to my brother, who lives in Leeming, yesterday and dissed him for moaning about the cold weather OOOPS! As for tv I am hooked on DIY SOS The Big Build.

  2. Back home it was Mitre 10 Dream home that had me capitivated now it’s The Block. Totally addicted! But it has been nice sitting there with a bit of knitting or crochet while watching so it’s not a complete time waster 🙂

    Hope you are keeping warm, I don’t want to leave my covers.


  3. Oh Kat… I’m actually loving hearing that someone is not sewing cos they’re watching telly!! Why the hell not 🙂 Enjoy every minute. I havent really been addicted to a tv show since Lost… I’m lost without it.. lol

  4. Oh I’m so glad that I’m not the only one! I have been doing EXACTLY the same thing. Putting Master 2 to bed, watching The Block, then I’m too tired and snuggly and comfy to do any sewing. However, I did do a block for my Bee today and it was just bliss. Took my mind off things, gave me a distraction. Love it. Looking forward to your comeback 🙂
    P.S. I’m a HUGE fan of Dale 🙂

  5. ROFL, I do my best work in the cold, and given that we’ve struggled to get above 12C in the middle of the day here of late, it’s been productive round these parts ;o) I do have a weakness for Masterchef when it’s on, I have to admit it!

  6. The cold is no excuse! I have sewn when it has been cold, I prefer it to the heat! The show sounds like a good watch. I mostly watch random TV shows that catch my eye. Or I watch TV online in the evenings =D

  7. Yep. I watch the block. This year my loyalties are divided like no other year. I like Dale and Sophie AND Brad and Lara. If it’s a draw I will be very happy.

  8. I get caught up with Project Runway… Grand Designs… Ice Road Truckers… god, did I say that??? You can’t be kiwi if you don’t watch Country Calendar on Saturday nights (yes, the music is still the same for anyone wondering) – luckily I do my best sewing during the day!

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