Just in case you missed the memo, recently I had a little blog wobble. 
It caused me to question {again} why I was blogging, what has changed since I started blogging and primarily did I want to continue to blog…

I decided I did want to continue blogging…
Happy days!…

But being me, I wasn’t happy just to let it sit like that.
Because I feel like the issues I was/am wrestling with are valid issues that we all face. It would seem many of us also have them on our minds at the moment with more questions than answers…. Especially other mothers.
Last year I hosted a week of guest posters all talking on the topic of “Blog Etiquette” which became far more popular than I ever imagined. And today, even over a year later, those are still widely read posts.
So, I thought maybe it would be a really good time to reopen that discussion, only this time expanding it to include some issues of “keeping ourselves safe online” and Good Etiquette for Social Media as a whole as well…

Therefore, may I present to you…

Good Etiquette for the Modern Blogger Revisited 2012….

blog etiquette revisited

Not exactly the catchiest of titles going I know, but I couldn’t think of anything better and decided to leave it at that…

So what’s the plan?


Over the course of this week I have arranged for a selection of my bloggy friends to very kindly share their thoughts with us on the topic(s).
Each day we will hear from a different Blogger and at the end I will recap and put my 2 cents in (again).

I just want to stress that these are not “tutorials” or how-tos. It will simply be a few people sharing our thoughts and starting a discussion!!

What people are and aren’t prepared to share online is so deeply personal that I completely respect there is by no means “one solution” out there. Or two, or even three. There are just SO many factors to consider when making those decisions.
The aim of this week is really just to address what some of those factors are, get us thinking about how we can most respectfully interact with each other on here, and how we can best keep ourselves and our families protected…
Simply a discussion…

I have given my friends completely free reign over what they will be sharing and I love that because they each bring a completely different flavour and thoughts to the discussion.
They’ve each naturally talked about a different topic too which is great.

So who will be contributing?
I have posts lined up from Laura-Jane of Needles, Pins & Baking Tins, Hadley of Flying Blind on a Rocket Cycle, Lynne of Lily’s Quilts, Jennie of Clover & Violet
I’m also going to rerun one of the original etiquette posts by Sarah of Pings and Needles because I think Sarah so clearly explains about photo types & copyright stuff. Very good stuff.
Each day I will also share a link back to one of the original posts so that you can revisit those as we go along if you like too.

There you have it, a week of big (but hopefully enlightening, positive and fun) discussion 🙂

I can’t stress enough that I want this to be a constructive and positive week.
Your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section will be highly valued as part of the discussion, so I encourage to you weigh in as well 🙂
I’m sure I don’t need to say this at all, but negative comments on the other hand will not be tolerated and will be deleted

I will put the blog button down the side of my blog shortly so that you can share it on your blog also, or feel free to link to the bigger image I’ve included in my post using the flickr code.
It would be fantastic if you could spread the word so we can get as many people included in the discussion as possible 🙂

Happy Monday!

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  1. I can’t wait. Your posts from last year were one of the things that brought me to your blog. Looking forward to hearing more, as I have certainly been pondering some of the issues myself lately.

  2. Well done, Kat. More people should stop and think about these things, but you are so good at getting us all talking openly about the problems that exist and how they should be addressed.

  3. I do hope someone will be covering the whole ‘leaving a message on your child’s blog moaning about the fact that their WIP lists don’t yet feature the last minute item you asked them to make’… ;o)

  4. Great idea! There are people new to blogging all the time and they probably ruffle feathers because they don’t understand the etiquette of being a good blogger. And it’s always good to refresh things for those of us that have been blogging a while now.

  5. Oh excellent, im really looking forward to reading this from other peoples perspective. I dont care if people pin my work but I think some of the things that you hear about are terrible.

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