I just wanted to let you all know of a few changes I’ve been making around here today. These have been on my to-do list for ages so it feels really good to have them done.
Hopefully you will agree that the changes not only make things more clear & aesthetically pleasing, but also I’ve added a few fresh links to things you that you might not have seen before.
Step 1: A fresh look…
You’ll notice that I have changed my blog header up and reduced my layout to only 1 sidebar. This should make things bit less cluttered and easier to navigate around at a glance.
Step 2: Tidier tutorials page.
Now instead of having one big messy list of tutorials, I have broken them down into categories to
make it easier for you to find what you are looking for…
There are now 5 topics including a couple of series’ that I hadn’t previously linked to on my tutorial page. So if you are new to my space then I encourage you to take a look around and see if any of the “new” links (to old posts) are of interest to you.
Patchwork & Quilting…
Blog Etiquette Series…
Family $$$ Matters… (a financial planning series)
Step 3: The link to my other blog is finally working…
It previously was, then it wasn’t, then it was. Hopefully now it just is!
There you can read about my journey to a more “natural” lifestyle, going more additive free with our cooking and more chemical free in our household. Just click on the tab up to to “My Journey Natural” and it will take you over…
Step 4: New Recipes Page…
You can now easily access all my recipes on my natural blog in one easy click. So if you are not a follower of my other blog then not to worry, you can still periodically check for recipe updates. There’s not so many now, but I plan to add to this in future.
And that’s all the changes for now I think.
Please let me know if anything is not working, linked wrong etc. As always I love to hear if you’ve made one of my tutorials and see your project. Please link back to me as the source as a courtesy on your blog/Instagram/Flickr/Facebook page etc if you do make one of my tutorials.
Enjoy & many thanks
Kat I love your redesign! Your tutorials set up is genius – would you mind if I steal the linky idea? It is so easy to navigate!
Not had a chance to roadtest – but looks lovely! xxx
This looks great. I need to find time to do a freshen up too.