“A portrait of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013″…

Looook Mummy, I can swing all by myself!! #ontheblogsoon #7/52

Love these cute little toddler legs and toes!!

Hannah: “Looooook MUM… I can swing all.by.myself!!!” 
Oh the pride in her voice as she yells this at me this afternoon across the backyard at her friends 5th birthday party!

Abbie: Gosh I love these chubby little toddler legs and sweet little toes!! It’s been hot here again, (like 40 degrees hot again) so who needs clothes right?!

And yes, still in pull ups. Not her fault… it’s all my doing. I can’t bring myself to be brave! 
Life is just too overwhelming to deal with extra messes and washing at the moment.
It’s quite simple;
She’s ready,
I’m not!
We’ll get there!!

I promise I’ll be back with some updates soon. I feel like such a slack blogger.
Life has been ever so slightly overwhelming recently and blogging was the obvious solution to let slide.
I’ve pencilled about 3 posts recently, but they ended up being too personal to share.
Or sounding too depressing, when that wasn’t the intent.
I don’t even really know where to begin at the moment, there is so much going on and to tell…

I’ll try again soon

Linking up with Jodi here…

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  1. Being a working mom is HARD. It is so much busier. Don’t beat yourself up for a moment, especially withe all the transitions – even good transition is still hard. Hang in there. I left my little girl in diapers for about 6 mos longer than she needed to be because I was too busy, too. As long as she’s not in diapers in Kindy, right?

  2. Two/Three beautiful girls, all in the fullness of time. When you are both ready it will be so quick until then she is happy, you can relax and big sister has a little kudos, win win.Take care of yourself you took a massive step with full time school and going back to paid employment, you were already working after all.

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