

I just thought I’d surprise you by dropping into your feed after another unintentional break from blogging.
So suprise!
Hello again, how are you?

Thank you to the lovely people who have emailed me or commented asking how I am. I’m sorry for disappearing for so long at a time.
But not to worry, I am alive and well.
Very well indeed actually.
Just very busy living life local.

I didn’t intentionally stop blogging.
One day just passed by. And then another.
Then before I knew it months had passed by. I had just kind of got out of the habit and lost my blog voice a little.

So let me catch you up…


My job:


I’ve been at my “new” job for 5 months now. It’s hard to believe really. I don’t think I’ve told you before but I am a Virtual Assistant.
Not a hologram assistant. But kind of similar…
Basically I am a personal assistant and designer for clients by remote. I contract to different companies to fill whatever need they have, whether it be doing their accounts, running their social media campaigns, sending e-newsletters, designing all kinds of promotional material from business cards to flyers to promotional videos. All from our office via phone, email, skype etc. Technology allows our business to run.
Basically I do anything and everything. It’s incredibly varied, extremely busy, can be highly stressful, but is never dull.
I never know what I’m going to be doing from one day to the next and it suits me down to a T.
I vary between working 9am-3pm, which is just ideal as I work 2 minutes from the kids school, or finishing at 5pm 3 days per week. It just depends how crazy things get and if I can cope with the workload while still finishing at 3pm.

Our renovations:

loungeWe have been in our house for 16 months now.
Our house is pretty much completely finished inside – just 1 more door handle to be put on and the downstairs doors to paint. Now that it’s finished I will try and get some decent photos and blog the finished rooms over the holiday break.
It’s looking A-MAZ-ING and we adore it here!
We are now about to start the outside. The painters are due to start this week and will paint the outside of our house and roof. I cannot WAIT because this means that I get to start planting the garden!

The family:


Kat Soper_4761The kids are growing. Like weeds!
They are both thriving.
I have a “snippets for the time capsule post” in draft format, so I will aim to finish that in the next week for a more full update.

Mr Flutter is still working in Australia. He has been working away for 3 weeks and coming home to New Zealand for 1 week off all this year.
It’s been tough. But it has allowed us to make our house into our dream home and pay off a lot of debt.
So I have no complaints at all.

His contract is ending in the next month so we are waiting to hear whether he is being transferred or will be made redundant again.
It happens at Christmas time every year. Never ideal timing.
This year I am feeling the calmest I have ever been about it. What will be will be. I will let you know what happens.
It is our goal that he will try to continue to work away until at least May next year if we can.

My Business:

earring rack (Large)My business is in hiatus. I haven’t officially wound it up and in fact did intend to run some Christmas markets. But I’m really just too busy now that I’m working. I still do occasional custom orders when time allows. I don’t imagine being in hiatus forever, but certainly while I’m playing at being a working single mother, that’s definitely enough of a case load. I have barely been keeping up with sewing my bee block every month let along anything else.
But I am looking forward to sewing up a storm over the Christmas break when I have 2 weeks off work.

So there you go, that’s the update on us.

I’ll try not to let it go so long between catch ups next time

Blog ending


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  1. I was just thinking about you and yours the other day, Kat, and wondered how you were all doing. I’m glad everything is going well – fingers crossed that Mr. Flutter gets kept on at his work. Your wee girls are getting so big! 🙂

  2. Sounds like things have been going well – looking forward to some “after” pictures of the house! Big hugs to you all!

  3. Hi Kat, It’s great to hear from you on the blog but I do keep up with you on Instagram so it’s not a complete drought! I’ve just returned to blogging after a long break too. It’s hard trying to do everything. The house looks wonderful and your girls are beautiful. x

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