** portrait of my children once a week, for 52 weeks…
Hannah: I finally started you in dancing again this week. I think it’s fair to say that you missed it! You will do ballet this term and we will reassess and potentially add another class next year. Ever since your lesson you have been dancing again all week. It really does run through your blood and makes you so happy.
Abbie: Yes well – you my cheeky rat bag scored your first hairdresser haircut this week after you decided to cut most of the hair on one side of your hair off. Eeek! I was very VERY pleased we just snuck in with our professional photos last week before you decided to give yourself that haircut.
Luckily the hairdresser did a fantastic job of blending it in and unless you look very closely it would be hard to tell. You now have a fringe again which I’m a bit annoyed about as I just spent the last year growing your fringe out. But never the less. It will grow. No more scissors for you!
Here is the after…
The hairdresser straightened your hair before cutting it so that she could better see the damage you did. It was so strange seeing you with straight hair for the first time in your life!
Lucky you look cute whatever you do really. Just don’t do it again please!
Linking up with Jodi
Keep Abbie in regular salon appointments nd she probably won’t cut it again. She looks freaking happy to be there! And Hannah does a headstand! I never accomplished that. Jealous!
Great photos, Kat. :o)
Ha ha ha – happens to them all in the end – you should see some of the ‘fringes’ that have come out of my girls’ class – at least we have only had end-trims here!
Headstand Hannah! Hurrah!!! 😀
You’re right, Abbie is cute no matter what. I don’t remember if I ever cut my own hair. I don’t now, for sure, having been soundly scolded by my stylist!! I do remember my Mom cutting my hair though…and when cutting my bangs (fringe), getting them crooked, so she kept cutting, until they practically stood straight out from my forehead! LOL Ahhh, the good ol’ days!
Your children are gorgeous!
Darn, my dance classes never had headstands. That was probably a good thing right enough, we weren’t too steady right sides up ;o)
As for the hair, my mum used to trim my hair, and I never tried to cut my own, but I do remember in high school cutting my friend’s hair one lunchtime. I didn’t do too bad a job, as I recall, for a 13-year-old with rather blunt art class scissors…