There are officially only 4 more sleeps until my first Wellington Underground market…
There are butterflies in my stomach, not just on my logo!

Up until this afternoon I was feeling anything but prepared!!
My mind has been elsewhere the last 2 weeks and apparently very hard to rein in. So I had no idea what my total stock levels were, hadn’t finished making my stall displays, had no idea what my final stall layout was going to look like and 3 of the parcels I ordered a month ago (1 was 2 months ago actually) with hardware for making more stock had.not.arrived.still. 

Needless to say I decided I better kick myself into action and get some prep done!

Starting with a good tidy of my sewing space  (and vacuum – am I the only one that has 2 million threads all over their floor? I swear they breed worse than rabbits!!), I spent the afternoon playing with my stall layout and making display props.
This is as far as I got…

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It still needs work, but considering I had nothing but a big fat mess at the beginning of the day, I’m feeling pleased.
I still have to hang my other set of fairy lights across the top (the market is underground so I’ll need all the lighting attraction I can get) and give the front of my stall some colour.

Oh, and make more stock! There is that too.

At that point I had to go and pick up the girls from school/kindy and take Hannah to ballet. But the awesome news is that when we got back from ballet we came home to a very heavy box.

Oh the excitement!!

And it wasn’t just me excited either…

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I swear I did NOT make them cuddle those cabochons! They came along while I was photographing them and did that all by themselves.

They probably knew I’d be easily suckered into making them something with it.
And they were right… They now have a new ring each.
Total sucker!

So I have spent a lovely evening making pretty earrings, hair clips and necklaces.
I can’t wait to show you once I can take some proper photos!

Tonight I go to bed feeling much less stressed about my progress.
Big phew!

Blog ending

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  1. Hello, I just found your website from your photo on Pinterest. I am also a vendor who makes and sells children’s clothing at craft shows. I’m curious how do you store your clothes that didn’t sell until the next craft show. I leave mine on the hangers on racks in my craft room; but, was wondering if there is a better way. The sleeves droop over time and then you have the hanger marks on the clothes and also the bows get smashed.

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