**  A portrait of my children once a week, for 52 weeks…

Story time at school... Love when these two play sweetly together! #latergram #sisters #mygirls

Another combined effort this week, as this photo was too sweet not to share…

My girls have been playing schools almost continuously recently. Hannah, always the teacher, loves to do the bossing *ahem teaching. It’s mostly well received, but Abbie does have her moments of rebellion and “time out”.
Now that Hannah’s reading, her favourite part of playing schools seems to be “Mat time” where Abbie gets to benefit from this new found skill.
 I benefit also, as it gives me a pass card to go and do other things for a while, as long as I stay within earshot.
A very valuable privilege!

I just delight in it when I hear them play nicely together. Abbie is brilliant at pretend play and I often hear here leading Hannah into more imaginative role playing. If Hannah is in the mood to be led that is 😉
If not found playing schools then they can usually either be found playing “Mums, Dad’s and Babies” or “Cats”.
Tis too cute!

Linking up with Jodi.

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  1. Cute! I love them playing imaginatively together. We live across the road from my brother and SIL who have two girls aged 4 and 2. My three, aged 9,6 and 4, love to play them as often as possible. Schools is a favourite with my 9yo daughter always the teacher, as is Mums Dads and babies. My 4yo son always ends up being the dog!

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