** A portrait of my children once a week, for 52 weeks…
I seem to be getting later and later with these posts recently… there is a trend growing.
Must try harder because they are such a nice record to have.
This week I thought I’d break tradition and show a photo of my girls together when we went out to lunch together on the Saturday. We had such a lovely day playing and hanging together.
Well… up until the evening walk. Which I’m still recovering from I might add!
The girls seem particularly keen to play together at the moment. It’s lovely to watch!
Don’t get me wrong, there have been plenty of fights;
But more than plenty of giggles to go with…
I love it!
Abbie looks so angelic there! Hannah always looks angelic but Abbie?!
Bless them both!
Butter wouldn’t melt at that point, eh?