Well… we are into the first week of ripping our new home apart…
I’m not sure what to say really, but oh my goodness what a project we have bitten off!

I feel in many ways like I’ve spent the last week chasing my tail as it is currently a little hard to see where we’ve been and measure progress. Which for a visual person like me is a little hard to stomach given how much work I feel like I’ve put in already. But I’m hopeful that will all change in the next few days. Because I know if it doesn’t then I will start to feel even more pressure against the ticking clock.

This week our first priority has been getting quotes done for all the work we plan to do. Tradeswoman after tradesman has traipsed in and out while I’ve watched more and more 000’s add to the price. It is a very time consuming process getting so many quotes all at once, but one that I know needs to be done in order to find the best people for the job…
Not to mention in order to decide where first to start!
Because with very limited funds available to do a very extensive amount of work, we are going to have to really think carefully, take one small bite at a time and exercise plenty of patience.
Not something I’m renowned for really…

After doing almost a complete 180 degree turn on some of our decisions, today at least we have formulated a reasonably clear plan of what we are planning to complete and when and I’ve started to pay deposits for things.
Eeeek scary but exciting biscuits!
I guess that’s progress in itself… Even if we can’t see much physical progress at the house.

More soon, with photos. I promise!

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  1. Oh I’m right there with you on the small things at a time. I need to completely redecorate, and to furnish my spare room from scratch again, except it’s going to have to be me doing all the grunt work, and I’m a little daunted! (Except for installing a new shower – taps, yes, electric showers, I’m not that brave ;o) )

  2. Out with the old, in with the new, I guess. 🙂 The circle of life and things, allowing for regeneration and reassembly. From the windows to the doors, and right up to the roof. Whatever the extent, heh, though I guess it’s rather advisable to go with the best possible options. Either going alone with it, or bringing another set of voices. Hear what they’ve got to say, and what they’ve got to offer for that project.

    Sarai @ Edmunds General Contracting

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